16 November, 2013

Микро листья (микро зелень) поставки свежей зелени из Израиля

Микро листья. Фасованная микро зелень и проростки

Микро листья свежая зелень фасованная высшего качества из Израиля
Микро листья - крошечные растения полные аромата и свежести. Микро листья (микро зелень) меньше и нежнее, чем бэби салаты. Микро зелень очень вкусная и идеально подходит для салатов, основных блюд, супов, а также используется как гарнир.Интенсивный вкус и яркий цвет добавят динамизм к любому блюду. Они считаются "функциональными продуктами питания". В дополнение к своей высокой питательной ценности, функциональные продукты, как известно, обладают оздоровительными свойствами, предотвращающими различные заболевания.

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD. оптовые поставки и продажи свежей израильской зелени, овощей, фруктов, цветов высшего качества

Ищете где купить свежую зелень оптом? Где скачать оптовый прайс-лист с учётом доставки и растаможивания? Найти поставщиков свежей зелени в вашем регионе? Вам нужны надёжные партнёры и круглогодичные поставки свежей зелени из Израиля? Контакт с израильскими экспортёрами и производителями? Свежая зелень и цены после таможни? Растаможивание свежей пищевой зелени в Москве, регионах России и странах СНГ? Лучшие продукты в рестораны, супермаркеты, сети магазинов, для оптовиков по продаже свежей зелени? Мы рады помочь вам ! Компания Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD - ваш надёжный партнёр. Широкий ассортимент свежей зелени круглый год. Пищевая зелень высокого качества из Израиля. Оптимальные цены на свежую пищевую зелень. Свежая зелень крупным, мелким, средним оптом в России и СНГ. Прямые поставки свежей пищевой зелени напрямую от производителей. Свежая зелень в Москве и регионах России без посредников. Растаможивание пищевой зелени и все необходимые документы. Доставка свежей зелени в регионы России и страны СНГ. Экспортёр и поставщик свежей зелени с многолетним опытом работы.

Наши контакты:
Офис: +(972)89945027, Мобильный: +(972)544883541, Факс: +(972)153544883541, Сайт: www.flora-export.ru, e-mail: herbs@flora-export.ru

10 November, 2013

Micro leaves and shoots - exclusive fresh herbs from Israel. New product from Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD

Micro leaves and shoots

Fresh herbs micro leaves shoots Flora Export Israel

Green Pac Choy
Pepper Cress (garden Rocket)
Red Amaranth
Red Basil
Red Mizuna
Red Mustard
Pak choi
Pea shoots
Mix (sunflowers/pea shoots)

Plastic boxes packaging of 15, 40, 80, 200, 250 grams

Contact Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD for a price quote including delivery to your country.

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD. offers top quality fresh herbs & salads from best of Israeli growers.

Are you looking for a wholesale purchase of fresh flowers, greens, fresh cut herbs? Need a pricelist including direct air delivery to your region? Your company is looking for a reliable partners and all season fresh herbs delivery from Israel? We offer best quality fresh herb for restaurants, supermarkets, markets, fresh herbs wholesalers - Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD is your reliable supplier all year long. Large assortment of fresh Israeli herbs of top quality. Best prices on fresh herbs from Israel. Grower direct supply of fresh herbs directly from best growers during all seasons. Fresh herbs of small, medium and large wholesale quantities. Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD is an experienced exporter and supplier of fresh herbs worldwide. Contact us for a price quote for a fresh herbs and we will replay with best price available in your region including direct air transport delivery, yet providing best quality fresh agriculture produce. Complied with finest quality standard and dispatched quickly our fresh herbs have longer shelf life and will allow your customers enjoy their freshness, like they were just picked from the field. Buying form Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD, you are purchasing fresh herbs directly from the famous Israeli growers. Great prices, no agents, top quality agricultural produce supplies from Israel all year long.

29 October, 2013

Our new product. Micro leaves - Israeli fresh herbs by Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD

Fresh herbs from Israel - micro leaves

Fresh herbs micro leaves flora export S.G. Israel LTD coriander
Fresh herbs from Israel micro leaves Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD lettuce
Micro leaves Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD Basil fresh herbs
Watercress micro leaves Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD fresh herbs
Fresh herb micro leaves rocket salad Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD fresh herbs
Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD. offers top quality fresh herbs & salads from best of Israeli growers.

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD is an experienced exporter and supplier of fresh herbs worldwide. Contact us for a price quote for a fresh herbs and we will replay with best price available in your region including direct air transport delivery, yet providing best quality fresh agriculture produce. Complied with finest quality standard and dispatched quickly our fresh herbs have longer shelf life and will allow your customers enjoy their freshness, like they were just picked from the field. Buying form Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD, you are purchasing fresh herbs directly from the famous Israeli growers. Great prices, no agents, top quality agricultural produce supplies from Israel all year long.

25 July, 2013

Fresh herbs from Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD

Plenty of boxes with our fresh herbs in this pile - mint, basil, coriander, tarragon, rucola...

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD. offers premium quality fresh herbs and salads from best of Israeli growers.

Our advantages: -Wide assortment of Israeli fresh herbs from during all seasons
-Fresh herbs & salads of premium quality from Israel
-Best prices for fresh herbs and salads
-Fresh herbs in small, medium and large wholesale quantities worldwide
-Grower direct supply of fresh herb produce
-Fresh herbs worldwide directly from Israeli growers without agents and brokers
-Air cargo delivery of fresh herbs and salads worldwide
-Experienced exporter and supplier of fresh herbs
-Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD is your reliable business partner

19 June, 2013

Мята - свежая зелень каталог купить свежую зелень оптом в Москве России СНГ

Купить свежую мяту оптом в Москве России СНГ оптовые поставки мяты

Где купить свежую мяту оптом в Москве России СНГ

Свежая мята оптом

Листья и молодые побеги, срезанные до цветения, используют в качестве пряности с пряным, освежающим лимонным привкусом в европейской и американской кулинарии. В свежем или сушёном виде листья добавляют как пряную приправу к салатам, тёртому сыру, супам, дичи, рыбным блюдам, грибам, а также для отдушки чая, уксуса, ликёров и напитков, при засолке огурцов и помидоров. В Дании применяют для консервирования мяса.

> Читать далее. Текст доступен по лицензии Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike; в отдельных случаях могут действовать дополнительные условия. Подробнее см. Условия использования. Wikipedia® зарегистрированный товарный знак некоммерческой организации Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.

Поставщик свежей зелени и салатов компания Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD
Свежая зелень и салаты оптом от ведущих израильских производителей: лимонная трава, петрушка кудрявая, рукола беби, сладкий майоран, шалфей, рукола люкс, тмин, салат романо, тимьян, лимонница, лук-резанец, зелёный базилик, шнитт-лук, укроп, лемонграсс, мизуна, эстрагон, мята перечная, тат сой, руккола, розмарин, руккола люкс, майоран, рукола, орегано, шпинат, душица, лоло россо салат, тархун, кориандр, базилик, руккола беби, щавель, мята, петрушка , мангольд красный, мангольд, салат беби микс, салат беби микс, саликорния, чабрец, кервель, красный базилик, и т.д. Ингредиенты приправы и специи для рецептов здоровой пищи. Круглый год лучшая цена на свежую зелень и салат оптовые поставки в Москву, регионы России и страны СНГ из Израиля без посредников.

17 June, 2013

www.opt-zelen.ru - cвежая зелень оптом высшего качества оптовые поставки зелени из Израиля


Новый сайт компании Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD на русском языке - Свежая зелень оптом высшего качества оптовые поставки зелени из Израиля

Ищете где купить свежую зелень оптом? Где скачать оптовый прайс-лист с учётом доставки и растаможивания? Найти поставщиков свежей зелени в вашем регионе? Вам нужны надёжные партнёры и круглогодичные поставки свежей зелени из Израиля? Контакт с израильскими экспортёрами и производителями? Свежая зелень и цены после таможни? Растаможивание свежей пищевой зелени в Москве, регионах России и странах СНГ? Лучшие продукты в рестораны, супермаркеты, сети магазинов, для оптовиков по продаже свежей зелени? Мы рады помочь вам ! Компания Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD - ваш надёжный партнёр. Широкий ассортимент свежей зелени круглый год. Пищевая зелень высокого качества из Израиля. Оптимальные цены на свежую пищевую зелень. Свежая зелень крупным, мелким, средним оптом в России и СНГ. Прямые поставки свежей пищевой зелени напрямую от производителей. Свежая зелень в Москве и регионах России без посредников. Растаможивание пищевой зелени и все необходимые документы. Доставка свежей зелени в регионы России и страны СНГ. Экспортёр и поставщик свежей зелени с многолетним опытом работы.

Наши контакты:

Офис: +(972)89945027,  Мобильный: +(972)544883541, Факс: +(972)153544883541, Сайт: www.flora-export.ru, e-mail: herbs@flora-export.ru

05 June, 2013

Basil fresh herbs alibaba.com product info by Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD

Alibaba.com fresh herbs supplier Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD


Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD. offers top quality fresh herbs & salads from best of Israeli growers.

Are you looking for a wholesale purchase of fresh flowers, greens, fresh cut herbs? Need a pricelist including direct air delivery to your region? Your company is looking for a reliable partners and all season fresh herbs delivery from Israel? We offer best quality fresh herb for restaurants, supermarkets, markets, fresh herbs wholesalers - Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD is your reliable supplier all year long. Large assortment of fresh Israeli herbs of top quality. Best prices on fresh herbs from Israel. Grower direct supply of fresh herbs directly from best growers during all seasons. Fresh herbs of small, medium and large wholesale quantities. Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD is an experienced exporter and supplier of fresh herbs worldwide. Contact us for a price quote for a fresh herbs and we will replay with best price available in your region including direct air transport delivery, yet providing best quality fresh agriculture produce. Complied with finest quality standard and dispatched quickly our fresh herbs have longer shelf life and will allow your customers enjoy their freshness, like they were just picked from the field. Buying form Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD, you are purchasing fresh herbs directly from the famous Israeli growers. Great prices, no agents, top quality agricultural produce supplies from Israel all year long.

31 May, 2013

Рукола (руккола) свежая зелень оптом в Россию и СНГ из Израиля. Оптовые поставки свежей зелени


Израильская свежая зелень оптом

Обладает богатым, острым вкусом. В основном используют в салатах, а также как овощную добавку к мясным блюдам и пастам. В прибрежной Словении (особенно в Копере) добавляют также в сырный чебурек. В Италии часто используют при приготовлении пиццы; обычно рукколу добавляют в неё незадолго до окончания приготовления либо сразу после этого. Используют также в качестве ингредиента для песто в дополнение к базилику (или заменяя его). На Кавказе едят молодые побеги и листья. Листья употребляют как приправу к кушаньям в виде салата, молодые побеги едят в свежем виде, семена идут на приготовление горчицы. >далее

*Здесь и далее текст доступен по лицензии Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike; в отдельных случаях могут действовать дополнительные условия. Подробнее см. Условия использования. Wikipedia® зарегистрированный товарный знак некоммерческой организации Wikimedia Foundation, Inc

Компания Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD Предлагаем свежую сельхозпродукцию из Израиля напрямую от ведущих производителей. Отличное качество, выгодные цены, надёжное партнёрство. Регулярные поставки самолётом в Москву, регионы России и страны СНГ без посредников. Круглогодичные поставки израильской свежей зелени и салатов: базилик, красный базилик, душица (орегано), кервель, кинза (кориандр), лимонная трава, лист свёклы, лук резанец (шнитт-лук), любисток, майоран, мангольд (листовая свёкла), мята, петрушка, розмарин, руккола, рукола люкс, рокола бейби, салаты бэби микс, лолло росса, салат романо, тархун (эстрагон), тат-сой, тимьян (чабрец), укроп, шалфей, щавель и другие позиции.

29 May, 2013

Rosemary fresh herbs Israel wholesale supply gallery

Rosemary wholesaly supply from Israel grower-direct

Photo © Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD - fresh herbs and salads top quality wholesale supplier

Rosemary fresh herbs Israel

Romarin herbes fraîches Israël

Rosmarin frische Kräuter Israel

Rosmarino erbe aromatiche Israele

Розмарин свежая зелень Израиль

Facebook gallery of fresh herbs by Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD. offers top quality fresh herbs & salads from best of Israeli growers.

Our advantages:
-Wide assortment of Israeli fresh herbs from during all seasons
-Fresh herbs & salads of top quality from Israel
-Best prices for fresh herbs and salads
-Fresh herbs in small, medium and large wholesale quantities worldwide
-Grower direct supply of fresh herb produce
-Fresh herbs worldwide directly from Israeli growers without agents and brokers
-Air cargo delivery of fresh herbs and salads worldwide
-Experienced exporter and supplier of fresh herbs
-Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD is your reliable business partner

Rosemary - fresh herbs Israel wholesale top quality supply


The leaves, both fresh and dried, are used in traditional Mediterranean cuisine. They have a bitter, astringent taste and are highly aromatic, which complements a wide variety of foods. A tisane can be made from the leaves. When burnt, they give off a mustard-like smell and a smell similar to burning wood, which can be used to flavor foods while barbecuing. Rosemary is high in iron, calcium and vitamin B6. Rosemary extract has been shown to improve the shelf life and heat stability of omega 3-rich oils, which are prone to rancidity. > more

*Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. See Terms of Use for details. Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization.

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD. Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD offers best Israeli agricultural produce all season wholesale supplies. Grower-direct with air freight delivery worldwide, our company provides best quality fresh products with affordable price policy. Browse our catalogs and contact us for a price quote including delivery to your destination.

We are an experienced exporter and supplier of fresh herbs worldwide. Contact us for a price quote for a fresh herbs and salads we will replay with best price available in your region including direct air transport delivery, yet providing best quality fresh agriculture produce. Great prices, no agents, top quality agricultural produce supplies from Israel all year long.

23 May, 2013

New website design for www.flora-sg.com

New company website is on a way

We have started redesign of our company website. The new version will be more convenient for navigation, will include more information about fresh agricultural produce from Israel, true multi-language support for English, German, Italian, French, Russian, exciting design and images.
We hope you will enjoy the new redesigned layout.
The redesign is estimated to be complete within a week. Until then an old website version will be fully accessible from http://www.flora-sg.com/index_en.htm
Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD new website version   Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD new website design

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD new website preview   Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD new design sneak preview

06 May, 2013

Cherry tomatoes. Cherry tomato wholesale fresh vegetables Israel

Cherry tomato

Fresh cherry tomatoes

Top quality fresh vegetables directly from Israeli growers.
Worldwide delivery by air freight carriers directly to your airport.
Great seasonal availability and reliable partnership.

Best prices and quality you can get from Israeli suppliers and exporters.
Packed and transported in regulated temperature conditions. Guaranteed freshness and long shelf life for fresh vegetables.

Phytosanitary certificate control by Israel ministry of agriculture PPIS and complied with finest quality standards. All year supply small, medium, large wholesale vegetables from Israel.





Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD. offers top quality fresh vegetables from best of Israeli growers.

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD is an experienced exporter and supplier of vegetables worldwide. Contact us for a price quote for a vegetables and we will replay with best price available in your region including direct air transport delivery, yet providing best quality fresh agriculture produce. Complied with finest quality standard and dispatched quickly our vegetables have longer shelf life and will allow your customers enjoy their freshness, like they were just picked from the field. Buying form Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD, you are purchasing fresh vegetables directly from the famous Israeli growers. Great prices, no agents, top quality agricultural produce supplies from Israel all year long.

02 May, 2013

Parsley fresh herbs Israel catalog



Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD fresh herbs catalog

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD. offers top quality fresh herbs & salads from best of Israeli growers.

Parsley - fresh herbs from Israel wholesale supply


flat parsley

curly parsley

Parsley is widely used in Middle Eastern, European and American cooking. Curly leaf parsley is often used as a garnish. In central and eastern Europe and in western Asia, many dishes are served with fresh green chopped parsley sprinkled on top. Green parsley is often used as a garnish on potato dishes (boiled or mashed potatoes), on rice dishes (risotto or pilaf), on fish, fried chicken, lamb or goose, steaks, meat or vegetable stews (like beef bourguignon, goulash or chicken paprikash). In southern & central Europe parsley is part of bouquet garni, a bundle of fresh herbs used as an ingredient in stocks, soups, sauces. > more

*Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. See Terms of Use for details. Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization.

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD. offers top quality fresh herbs & salads from best of Israeli growers.

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD is an experienced exporter and supplier of fresh herbs worldwide. Contact us for a price quote for a fresh herbs and we will replay with best price available in your region including direct air transport delivery, yet providing best quality fresh agriculture produce. Complied with finest quality standard and dispatched quickly our fresh herbs have longer shelf life and will allow your customers enjoy their freshness, like they were just picked from the field. Buying form Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD, you are purchasing fresh herbs directly from the famous Israeli growers. Great prices, no agents, top quality agricultural produce supplies from Israel all year long.

12 April, 2013

Mint Infused White Wine Syrup - foodista recipe

Mint Infused White Wine Syrup


- 2 bottles of white wine (I use a Verdicchio Chardonnay blend from Serenelli (March)
- 750 grams sugar
- 4 handfuls of mint (with the stems and everything)


1. Make a simple syrup of white wine & sugar by slowly melting the sugar in the wine.

2. Let cool then pour the syrup over a jar filled with the mint. Let sit for 5 days then remove the mint.

3. Serve: Mix with cold sparkling water to taste and a fresh picked mint leaf.

Foodista recipe (cc) Ashley & Jason Bartner. To the original recipe link

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD. offers top quality fresh herbs & salads from best of Israeli growers.

Our advantages: -Wide assortment of Israeli fresh herbs from during all seasons
-Fresh herbs & salads of top quality from Israel
-Best prices for fresh herbs and salads
-Fresh herbs in small, medium and large wholesale quantities worldwide
-Grower direct supply of fresh herb produce
-Fresh herbs worldwide directly from Israeli growers without agents and brokers
-Air freight delivery of fresh herbs and salads worldwide
-Experienced exporter and supplier of fresh herbs
-Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD is your reliable business partner

MINT - the herb wholesale from Israel


The leaf, fresh or dried, is the culinary source of mint. Fresh mint is usually preferred over dried mint when storage of the mint is not a problem. The leaves have a warm, fresh, aromatic, sweet flavor with a cool aftertaste. Mint leaves are used in teas, beverages, jellies, syrups, candies, and ice creams. In Middle Eastern cuisine, mint is used on lamb dishes, while in British cuisine and American cuisine, mint sauce and mint jelly are used. Mint essential oil and menthol are extensively used as flavorings in breath fresheners, drinks, antiseptic mouth rinses, toothpaste, chewing gum, desserts, candies and mint chocolate.

*Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. See Terms of Use for details. Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization.

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD. offers top quality fresh herbs & salads from best of Israeli growers.

Are you looking for a wholesale purchase of fresh flowers, greens, fresh cut herbs? Need a pricelist including direct air delivery to your region? Your company is looking for a reliable partners and all season fresh herbs delivery from Israel? We offer best quality fresh herb for restaurants, supermarkets, markets, fresh herbs wholesalers - Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD is your reliable supplier all year long. Large assortment of fresh Israeli herbs of top quality. Best prices on fresh herbs from Israel. Grower direct supply of fresh herbs directly from best growers during all seasons. Fresh herbs of small, medium and large wholesale quantities. Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD is an experienced exporter and supplier of fresh herbs worldwide. Contact us for a price quote for a fresh herbs and we will replay with best price available in your region including direct air transport delivery, yet providing best quality fresh agriculture produce. Complied with finest quality standard and dispatched quickly our fresh herbs have longer shelf life and will allow your customers enjoy their freshness, like they were just picked from the field. Buying form Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD, you are purchasing fresh herbs directly from the famous Israeli growers. Great prices, no agents, top quality agricultural produce supplies from Israel all year long.

10 April, 2013

How To Prepare Fresh Herbs For Cooking - youtube video

How To Prepare Fresh Herbs For Cooking

How To Prepare Fresh Herbs For Cooking youtube video (c) SavingDinner. Video link

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD. offers top quality fresh herbs & salads from best of Israeli growers.

Our advantages:

-Wide assortment of Israeli fresh herbs from during all seasons  
-Fresh herbs & salads of top quality from Israel
-Best prices for fresh herbs and salads
-Fresh herbs in small, medium and large wholesale quantities worldwide
-Grower direct supply of fresh herb produce
-Fresh herbs worldwide directly from Israeli growers without agents and brokers
-Air cargo delivery of fresh herbs and salads worldwide
-Experienced exporter and supplier of fresh herbs
-Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD is your reliable business partner  

CHARD - fresh herbs export from Israel


photo (cc) mercedesfromtheeighties

Chard has a slightly bitter taste and is used in a variety of cultures around the world, including Arab cuisine. Fresh young chard can be used raw in salads. Mature chard leaves and stalks are typically cooked (like in pizzoccheri) or sauteed; their bitterness fades with cooking, leaving a refined flavor which is more delicate than that of cooked spinach. > more

*Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. See Terms of Use for details. Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization.

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD. offers top quality fresh herbs & salads from best of Israeli growers.

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD is an experienced exporter and supplier of fresh herbs worldwide. Contact us for a price quote for a fresh herbs and we will replay with best price available in your region including direct air transport delivery, yet providing best quality fresh agriculture produce. Complied with finest quality standard and dispatched quickly our fresh herbs have longer shelf life and will allow your customers enjoy their freshness, like they were just picked from the field. Buying form Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD, you are purchasing fresh herbs directly from the famous Israeli growers. Great prices, no agents, top quality agricultural produce supplies from Israel all year long.

01 April, 2013

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD all.biz page

Visit our company's all.biz page http://1245.il.all.biz/

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD. offers top quality fresh herbs & salads from best of Israeli growers.

Are you looking for a wholesale purchase of fresh flowers, greens, fresh herbs? Need a pricelist including direct air delivery to your region? Your company is looking for a reliable partners and all season fresh herbs delivery from Israel? We offer best quality fresh herb for restaurants, supermarkets, markets, fresh herbs wholesalers - Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD is your reliable supplier all year long. Large assortment of fresh Israeli herbs of top quality. Best prices on fresh herbs from Israel. Grower direct supply of fresh herbs directly from best growers during all seasons. Fresh herbs of small, medium and large wholesale quantities. Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD is an experienced exporter and supplier of fresh herbs worldwide. Contact us for a price quote for a fresh herbs and we will replay with best price available in your region including direct air transport delivery, yet providing best quality fresh agriculture produce. Complied with finest quality standard and dispatched quickly our fresh herbs have longer shelf life and will allow your customers enjoy their freshness, like they were just picked from the field. Buying form Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD, you are purchasing fresh herbs directly from the famous Israeli growers. Great prices, no agents, top quality agricultural produce supplies from Israel all year long.

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD Вконтакте

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Компания Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD осуществляет прямые поставки сельскохозяйственной продукции напрямую от ведущих израильских производителей. Свежесрезанные цветы, зелень, свежая зелень, овощи, фрукты, ягоды и прочее. Быстрая доставка самолётом в Москву, регионы России и страны СНГ. Удобные условия для клиентов и надёжный израильский экспортёр с многолетним опытом. Дополнительную информацию можно получить на сайтах нашей компании http://www.flora-sg.com и http://www.flora-export.ru

Наши преимущества:

- Профессионализм и опыт
- Лучшая израильская сельскохозяйственная продукция
- Свежая зелень, овощи, фрукты, ягоды напрямую от производителя
- Максимум качества и свежести
- Прямая авиадоставка продукции
- Широкий ассортимент круглый год
- Приемлемые динамичные цены
- Надёжное партнёрство

MARJORAM - Fresh Herbs Israel exporter Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD


Marjoram* is cultivated for its aromatic leaves, either green or dry, for culinary purposes; the tops are cut as the plants begin to flower and are dried slowly in the shade. It is often used in herb combinations such as herbes de Provence and za'atar. The flowering leaves and tops of marjoram are steam-distilled to produce an essential oil that is yellowish in color (darkening to brown as it ages). Leaves - raw or cooked. Sweet marjoram is widely used as a flavoring for salad dressings, vegetables, legumes and oils. It has a more delicate flavor than the closely related oregano, and is best when used fresh and only added towards the end of cooking. The flavor resembles a blend of thyme, rosemary and sage. > more

*Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. See Terms of Use for details. Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization.

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD - our company is a supplier of high quality fresh herbs and salads with best price directly from growers: Basil, Red Basil, Oregano, Coriander, Lemongrass, Thyme, Bulls Blood, Chives, Lovage, Marjoram, Chard, Mizuna, Lemon Balm, Spinach, Mint, Lettuce, Romaine Lettuce, Lollo Rosso Lettuce, Peppermint, Parsley, Curly Parsley, Flat Parsley, Rosemary, Rucola, Arugula, Baby Spring Mix Salad, Salicornia, Tarragon, Tatsoi, Dill, Sage, Chervil, Savory, Sorrel, etc. Edible flowers available for an exclusive restaurants. Providing direct air delivery of fresh cut herb and salad from Israeli growers with maximum freshness and quality in optimal temperature conditions. Wide range of produce assortment with best prices and availability all year round.

28 March, 2013

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD picasa gallery

Fresh Herbs Israel catalog - Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD. offers top quality fresh herbs & salads from best of Israeli growers.

Are you looking for a wholesale purchase of fresh flowers, greens, fresh cut herbs? Need a pricelist including direct air delivery to your region? Your company is looking for a reliable partners and all season fresh herbs delivery from Israel? We offer best quality fresh herb for restaurants, supermarkets, markets, fresh herbs wholesalers - Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD is your reliable supplier all year long. Large assortment of fresh Israeli herbs of top quality. Best prices on fresh herbs from Israel. Grower direct supply of fresh herbs directly from best growers during all seasons. Fresh herbs of small, medium and large wholesale quantities. Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD is an experienced exporter and supplier of fresh herbs worldwide. Contact us for a price quote for a fresh herbs and we will replay with best price available in your region including direct air transport delivery, yet providing best quality fresh agriculture produce. Complied with finest quality standard and dispatched quickly our fresh herbs have longer shelf life and will allow your customers enjoy their freshness, like they were just picked from the field. Buying form Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD, you are purchasing fresh herbs directly from the famous Israeli growers. Great prices, no agents, top quality agricultural produce supplies from Israel all year long.

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD on twitter

Visit our company's twitter page www.twitter.com/floraexport

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD. offers top quality fresh herbs & salads from best of Israeli growers.

  Our advantages:

-Wide assortment of Israeli agricultural produce from during all seasons
-Fresh herbs & salads of top quality from Israel
-Best prices for fresh herbs and salads
-Fresh herbs in small, medium and large wholesale quantities worldwide
-Grower direct supply of fresh herb produce
-Fresh herbs worldwide directly from Israeli growers without agents and brokers
-Air cargo delivery of fresh herbs and salads worldwide
-Experienced exporter and supplier of fresh herbs
-Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD is your reliable business partner

27 March, 2013

LOVAGE - Fresh Herbs from Israel


Lovage photo (cc) 4028mdk09 Lovage* has been long cultivated in Europe, the leaves being used as a herb, the roots as a vegetable, and the seeds as a spice, especially in southern European cuisine. The leaves can be used in salads, or to make soup, and the roots can be eaten as a vegetable or grated for use in salads. Its flavor and smell is very similar to celery. Lovage tea can be applied to wounds as an antiseptic, or drunk to stimulate digestion. The seeds can be used as a spice, similar to fennel seeds. In the UK, an alcoholic lovage cordial is traditionally mixed with brandy in the ratio of 2:1 as a winter drink. > more

*Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. See Terms of Use for details. Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization.

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD. offers top quality fresh herbs & salads from best of Israeli growers.

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD is an experienced exporter and supplier of fresh herbs worldwide. Contact us for a price quote for a fresh herbs and we will replay with best price available in your region including direct air transport delivery, yet providing best quality fresh agriculture produce. Complied with finest quality standard and dispatched quickly our fresh herbs have longer shelf life and will allow your customers enjoy their freshness, like they were just picked from the field. Buying form Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD, you are purchasing fresh herbs directly from the famous Israeli growers. Great prices, no agents, top quality agricultural produce supplies from Israel all year long.

26 March, 2013

Oregano Bread - Foodista recipe

Oregano Bread - Foodista recipe

1 cup water, 1 cup olive oil, 1 cup Parmesan cheese grated, 1 teaspoon Sugar optional, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 tablespoon oregano, 3 cups bread flour, 1 cup nonfat dry milk, 2 teaspoons yeast

1. This is for a 1 1/2 lb loaf. Add ingredients according to your bread machine. 2. Use Basic cycle- This bread is great with spaghetti.

Foodista recipe (cc) anonymous read more

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD. offers top quality fresh herbs & salads from best of Israeli growers.

Our advantages: -Wide assortment of Israeli fresh herbs from during all seasons -Fresh herbs & salads of top quality from Israel -Best prices for fresh herbs and salads -Fresh herbs in small, medium and large wholesale quantities worldwide -Grower direct supply of fresh herb produce -Fresh herbs worldwide directly from Israeli growers without agents and brokers -Air cargo delivery of fresh herbs and salads worldwide -Experienced exporter and supplier of fresh herbs -Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD is your reliable business partner

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD on facebook

Visit our company's facebook page www.facebook.com/floraexportisrael

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD. offers top quality fresh herbs & salads from best of Israeli growers.

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD is an experienced exporter and supplier of fresh herbs worldwide. Contact us for a price quote for a fresh herbs and we will replay with best price available in your region including direct air transport delivery, yet providing best quality fresh agriculture produce. Complied with finest quality standard and dispatched quickly our fresh herbs have longer shelf life and will allow your customers enjoy their freshness, like they were just picked from the field. Buying form Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD, you are purchasing fresh herbs directly from the famous Israeli growers. Great prices, no agents, top quality agricultural produce supplies from Israel all year long.

23 March, 2013

Fresh Herbs Catalog - Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD on youtube

Fresh Herbs Catalog | Свежая Зелень | Herbes Fraîches | Frische Kräuter | Erbe fresche | Fresh herbs from Israel - Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD

Subsribe to our youtube channel Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD on youtube

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD. offers top quality fresh herbs & salads from best of Israeli growers.

Our advantages: -Wide assortment of Israeli fresh herbs from during all seasons -Fresh herbs & salads of top quality from Israel -Best prices for fresh herbs and salads -Fresh herbs in small, medium and large wholesale quantities worldwide -Grower direct supply of fresh herb produce -Fresh herbs worldwide directly from Israeli growers without agents and brokers -Air cargo delivery of fresh herbs and salads worldwide -Experienced exporter and supplier of fresh herbs -Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD is your reliable business partner

CHIVES - Fresh herbs from Israel


Chives* are grown for their leaves, which are used for culinary purposes as a flavoring herb, and provide a somewhat milder flavour than those of other Allium species. Chives have a wide variety of culinary uses, such as in traditional dishes in France and Sweden, among others. They are also an ingredient of the gräddfil sauce served with the traditional herring dish served at Swedish midsummer celebrations. The flowers may also be used to garnish dishes. In Poland, chives are served with quark cheese. Chives are one of the "fines herbes" of French cuisine, which also include tarragon, chervil and/or parsley. > more

*Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. See Terms of Use for details. Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization.

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD. bietet hochwertige frische Kräuter und Salate von der besten der israelischen Erzeugern.

Sind Sie auf der Suche nach einem Großhandel Kauf von frischen Blumen, Gemüse, frisch geschnittene Kräuter? Brauchen Sie eine Preisliste Inklusive Live Luftzufuhr in Ihrer Region? Ihr Unternehmen ist für ein verlässlicher Partner die ganze Saison und frischen Kräutern Lieferung von Israel gesucht haben? Wir bieten beste Qualität frischen Kräutern für Restaurants, Supermärkte, Märkte, Großhändler frischen Kräutern - Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD ist Ihr zuverlässiger Lieferant das ganze Jahr lang. Großes Sortiment von frischen Kräutern der israelischen Top-Qualität. Beste Preise für frische Kräuter aus Israel. Grower Direkte Einspeisung von frischen Kräutern direkt aus besten Winzer fallen auf allen Jahreszeiten. Frische Kräuter aus kleinen, mittleren und großen Großhandel Mengen. Flora Export SG Israel LTD ist ein erfahrener Anbieter und Export von frischen Kräutern weltweit. Kontaktieren Sie uns für ein Angebot für einen frischen Kräutern und wir werden mit besten Preis in Ihrer Region direkt Inklusive Luftverkehr Lieferung, noch Landwirtschaft Bereitstellung bester Qualität frischen Produkten zu wiederholen. Eingehalten besten Qualitätsstandard und unsere versandt schnell haben frischen Kräutern längere Haltbarkeit und ermöglicht Ihren Kunden genießen ihre Frische, wie sie nur wurden aus dem Feld aufgenommen. Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD, kaufen Sie frische Kräuter direkt aus den berühmten israelischen Erzeugern. Tolle Preise, keine Agenten, Agricultural Produce hochwertige Lieferungen aus Israel das ganze Jahr lang.

How-To Store Fresh Herbs

How-To Store Fresh Herbs youtube video (c) danispies. Video link

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD. offers top quality fresh herbs & salads from best of Israeli growers.

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD is an experienced exporter and supplier of fresh herbs worldwide. Contact us for a price quote for a fresh herbs and we will replay with best price available in your region including direct air transport delivery, yet providing best quality fresh agriculture produce. Complied with finest quality standard and dispatched quickly our fresh herbs have longer shelf life and will allow your customers enjoy their freshness, like they were just picked from the field. Buying form Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD, you are purchasing fresh herbs directly from the famous Israeli growers. Great prices, no agents, top quality agricultural produce supplies from Israel all year long.

21 March, 2013

Strawberry. Superb quality from Israel - grower direct


Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD is proud to offer selected strawberries of superb quality. Worldwide delivery, superior quality, grower-direct air cargo delivery from Israel.

Selected strawberries wholesale grower-direct from Israel with delivery to any international airport worldwide. Contact us for a price quote including delivery to your city.

19 March, 2013

Fines herbes

Fines herbes* is a combination of herbs that forms a mainstay of Mediterranean cuisine. The ingredients of fines herbes are fresh parsley, chives, tarragon and chervil. These "fine herbs" are not the pungent and resinous herbs that appear in a bouquet garni – which, unlike fines herbes, release their flavour in long cooking. Marjoram, cress, cicely or lemon balm may be added to fines herbes. The marjoram may be dried.

Parsley (Petroselinum crispum)

Chives (Allium schoenoprasum)




Garden cress

Sweet cicely

Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis)

> more

*Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. See Terms of Use for details. Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization.

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD. Notre compagnie est un exportateur et fournisseur expérimenté de fines herbes fraîches à travers le monde. Contactez-nous pour un devis pour des herbes fraîches et nous allons rejouer avec le meilleur prix disponible dans votre région, y compris la prestation de transport aérien direct, encore offrir le meilleur produit agricole frais de qualité. Conformé à la norme la plus haute qualité et expédiés rapidement nos herbes fraîches ont la vie plus longue et permettra à vos clients profiter de leur fraîcheur, comme ils ont juste pris sur le terrain. Achat sous forme Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD, vous achetez des herbes fraîches directement auprès des producteurs célèbres israéliens. Des prix intéressants, sans agents, des fournitures de qualité supérieure des produits agricoles en provenance d'Israël toute l'année.

LEMONGRASS - Fresh Herbs from Israel

Lemon grass

Lemongrass is a stalky plant with a lemony scent that grows in many tropical climates, most notably in Southeast-Asia. A common ingredient in Thai cooking, lemongrass provides a zesty lemon flavor and aroma to many Thai dishes. Lemon juice (or lime) may be substituted for lemongrass in a pinch, but citrus fruits will not be able to fully replicate its particular qualities. Lemongrass is also thought to have numerous health benefits, especially when used in combination with other Thai spices such as garlic, fresh chillies, and coriander. > more

*Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. See Terms of Use for details. Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization.

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD. offers top quality fresh herbs & salads from best of Israeli growers.

Our advantages: -Wide assortment of Israeli fresh herbs from during all seasons -Fresh herbs & salads of top quality from Israel -Best prices for fresh herbs and salads -Fresh herbs in small, medium and large wholesale quantities worldwide -Grower direct supply of fresh herb produce -Fresh herbs worldwide directly from Israeli growers without agents and brokers -Air cargo delivery of fresh herbs and salads worldwide -Experienced exporter and supplier of fresh herbs -Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD is your reliable business partner

18 March, 2013

Fresh herbs

Fresh herbs. Gallery link. (cc) Salvadonica Borgo del Chianti

Cubed Salad In Hung Curd & Coriander Salad - Foodista recipe by Rituparna Mukerji

Cubed Salad In Hung Curd & Coriander Salad


1 Cucumber
1 Tomato
1 Carrot
Lettuce a few leaves
1 Green capsicum
1 Yellow capsicum
1 Red capsicum
1 Onion
5 tablespoons Curd
Coriander leaves a big bunch
Salt, pepper & paprika to taste

1. Wash the bunch of corianders under running water to remove all dirt. Chop the coriander very fine.
2. In a separate bowl put the curd in a sieve or a thin cloth and let drain for 1-2 hours.
3. Cut all the vegetables into cubes and mix in a bowl.
4. Now mix the hung curd and finely chopped coriander leaves and add salt, pepper and paprika to taste.
5. Chill for 20-30 minutes and serve as a starter salad or as a side salad.

Foodista recipe (cc) Rituparna Mukerji > read more

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD. offers top quality fresh herbs & salads from best of Israeli growers.

CORIANDER - Israel fresh herbs


The* leaves are variously referred to as coriander leaves, fresh coriander, Chinese parsley, or cilantro (particularly in North America). Fresh coriander leaves, also known as Chinese parsley or cilantro. The fresh leaves are an ingredient in many South Asian foods (such as chutneys and salads), in Chinese dishes, in Mexican cooking, particularly in salsa and guacamole and as a garnish, and in salads in Russia and other CIS countries. Chopped coriander leaves are a garnish on Indian dishes such as dal. As heat diminishes their flavour, coriander leaves are often used raw or added to the dish immediately before serving. In Indian and Central Asian recipes, coriander leaves are used in large amounts and cooked until the flavour diminishes. > more

*Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. See Terms of Use for details. Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization.

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD. offers top quality fresh herbs & salads from best of Israeli growers.

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD is an experienced exporter and supplier of fresh herbs worldwide. Contact us for a price quote for a fresh herbs and we will replay with best price available in your region including direct air transport delivery, yet providing best quality fresh agriculture produce. Complied with finest quality standard and dispatched quickly our fresh herbs have longer shelf life and will allow your customers enjoy their freshness, like they were just picked from the field. Buying form Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD, you are purchasing fresh herbs directly from the famous Israeli growers. Great prices, no agents, top quality agricultural produce supplies from Israel all year long.

17 March, 2013

Herb Collage - Chives, Sage, Mint, Rosemary, Thyme, Parsley

Chives, Sage, Mint, Rosemary, Thyme, Parsley. Gallery link. (cc) Alice Henneman

OREGANO - fresh herbs from Israel


Oregano* is an important culinary herb, used for the flavor of its leaves, which can be more flavorful when dried than fresh. It has an aromatic, warm and slightly bitter taste, which can vary in intensity. Good quality oregano may be strong enough almost to numb the tongue, but the cultivars adapted to colder climates often have a lesser flavor. Factors such as climate, seasons and soil composition may affect the aromatic oils present, and this effect may be greater than the differences between the various species of plants. Oregano's most prominent modern use is as the staple herb of Italian-American cuisine. There, it is most frequently used with roasted, fried or grilled vegetables, meat and fish. > more

*Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. See Terms of Use for details. Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization.

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD. offers top quality fresh herbs & salads from best of Israeli growers.

Fresh herbs and salads. Our company is a supplier of high quality fresh herbs and salads with best price directly from growers: Basil, Red Basil, Oregano, Coriander, Lemongrass, Thyme, Bulls Blood, Chives, Lovage, Marjoram, Chard, Mizuna, Lemon Balm, Spinach, Mint, Lettuce, Romaine Lettuce, Lollo Rosso Lettuce, Peppermint, Parsley, Curley Parsley, Flat Parsley, Rosemary, Rucola, Arugula, Baby Spring Mix Salad, Salicornia, Tarragon, Tatsoi, Dill, Sage, Chervil, Savory, Sorrel, etc. Edible flowers available for an exclusive restaurants. Providing direct air delivery of fresh herb and salad from Israeli growers with maximum freshness and quality in optimal temperature conditions. Wide range of produce assortment with best prices and availability all year round.

01 March, 2013

BASIL, RED BASIL, BASILICUM - fresh herbs from Israel


Basil* is commonly used fresh in cooked recipes. In general, it is added at the last moment, as cooking quickly destroys the flavor. The fresh herb can be kept for a short time in plastic bags in the refrigerator, or for a longer period in the freezer, after being blanched quickly in boiling water. The dried herb also loses most of its flavor, and what little flavor remains tastes very different, with a weak coumarin flavor, like hay.
Basil is one of the main ingredients in pesto - a green Italian oil-and-herb sauce. Its other main ingredients are olive oil, garlic, and pine nuts. The most commonly used Mediterranean basil cultivars are "Genovese", "Purple Ruffles", "Mammoth", "Cinnamon", "Lemon", "Globe", and "African Blue". The Chinese also use fresh or dried basils in soups and other foods. > more

*Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. See Terms of Use for details. Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization.

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD. offers top quality fresh herbs & salads from best of Israeli growers.

Are you looking for a wholesale purchase of fresh flowers, foliage, fresh herbs? Need a pricelist including direct air delivery to your region? Your company is looking for a reliable partners and all season fresh herbs delivery from Israel? We offer best quality fresh herb for restaurants, supermarkets, markets, fresh herbs wholesalers - Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD is your reliable supplier all year long. Large assortment of fresh Israeli herbs of top quality. Best prices on fresh herbs from Israel. Grower direct supply of fresh herbs directly from best growers during all seasons. Fresh herbs of small, medium and large wholesale quantities. Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD is an experienced exporter and supplier of fresh herbs worldwide. Contact us for a price quote for a fresh herbs and we will replay with best price available in your region including direct air transport delivery, yet providing best quality fresh agriculture produce. Complied with finest quality standard and dispatched quickly our fresh herbs have longer shelf life and will allow your customers enjoy their freshness, like they were just picked from the field. Buying form Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD, you are purchasing fresh herbs directly from the famous Israeli growers. Great prices, no agents, top quality agricultural produce supplies from Israel all year long.

Our advantages:

-Wide assortment of Israeli fresh herbs from during all seasons
-Fresh herbs & salads of top quality from Israel
-Best prices for fresh herbs and salads
-Fresh herbs in small, medium and large wholesale quantities worldwide
-Grower direct supply of fresh herb produce
-Fresh herbs worldwide directly from Israeli growers without agents and brokers
-Air cargo delivery of fresh herbs and salads worldwide
-Experienced exporter and supplier of fresh herbs
-Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD is your reliable business partner


Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD. offers top quality fresh herbs & salads from best of Israeli growers. We ship fresh herbs worldwide with direct air cargo delivery to Europe and USA. Providing clients with all required standard documentation and certificates, our company offers wide assortment of fresh herbs and salads for small, medium and large wholesalers worldwide all year long. Download our FOB Tel-Aviv pricelist or contact us to receive prices including delivery to your destination airport.

Our wide assortment includes some of the following positions: basil, red basil, oregano, coriander, lemongrass, chives, lovage, marjoram, chard, red chard, mint, parsley, curley parsley, rosemary, rucola (argula, rocket salad), baby spring mix salad, lettuce, romaine lettuce, lollo rosso lettuce, tarragon, tatsoi, mizuna, thyme, dill, chervil, sage, savory, sorrel, salicornia, spinach and more.