31 May, 2013

Рукола (руккола) свежая зелень оптом в Россию и СНГ из Израиля. Оптовые поставки свежей зелени


Израильская свежая зелень оптом

Обладает богатым, острым вкусом. В основном используют в салатах, а также как овощную добавку к мясным блюдам и пастам. В прибрежной Словении (особенно в Копере) добавляют также в сырный чебурек. В Италии часто используют при приготовлении пиццы; обычно рукколу добавляют в неё незадолго до окончания приготовления либо сразу после этого. Используют также в качестве ингредиента для песто в дополнение к базилику (или заменяя его). На Кавказе едят молодые побеги и листья. Листья употребляют как приправу к кушаньям в виде салата, молодые побеги едят в свежем виде, семена идут на приготовление горчицы. >далее

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Компания Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD Предлагаем свежую сельхозпродукцию из Израиля напрямую от ведущих производителей. Отличное качество, выгодные цены, надёжное партнёрство. Регулярные поставки самолётом в Москву, регионы России и страны СНГ без посредников. Круглогодичные поставки израильской свежей зелени и салатов: базилик, красный базилик, душица (орегано), кервель, кинза (кориандр), лимонная трава, лист свёклы, лук резанец (шнитт-лук), любисток, майоран, мангольд (листовая свёкла), мята, петрушка, розмарин, руккола, рукола люкс, рокола бейби, салаты бэби микс, лолло росса, салат романо, тархун (эстрагон), тат-сой, тимьян (чабрец), укроп, шалфей, щавель и другие позиции.

29 May, 2013

Rosemary fresh herbs Israel wholesale supply gallery

Rosemary wholesaly supply from Israel grower-direct

Photo © Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD - fresh herbs and salads top quality wholesale supplier

Rosemary fresh herbs Israel

Romarin herbes fraîches Israël

Rosmarin frische Kräuter Israel

Rosmarino erbe aromatiche Israele

Розмарин свежая зелень Израиль

Facebook gallery of fresh herbs by Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD. offers top quality fresh herbs & salads from best of Israeli growers.

Our advantages:
-Wide assortment of Israeli fresh herbs from during all seasons
-Fresh herbs & salads of top quality from Israel
-Best prices for fresh herbs and salads
-Fresh herbs in small, medium and large wholesale quantities worldwide
-Grower direct supply of fresh herb produce
-Fresh herbs worldwide directly from Israeli growers without agents and brokers
-Air cargo delivery of fresh herbs and salads worldwide
-Experienced exporter and supplier of fresh herbs
-Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD is your reliable business partner

Rosemary - fresh herbs Israel wholesale top quality supply


The leaves, both fresh and dried, are used in traditional Mediterranean cuisine. They have a bitter, astringent taste and are highly aromatic, which complements a wide variety of foods. A tisane can be made from the leaves. When burnt, they give off a mustard-like smell and a smell similar to burning wood, which can be used to flavor foods while barbecuing. Rosemary is high in iron, calcium and vitamin B6. Rosemary extract has been shown to improve the shelf life and heat stability of omega 3-rich oils, which are prone to rancidity. > more

*Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. See Terms of Use for details. Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization.

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD. Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD offers best Israeli agricultural produce all season wholesale supplies. Grower-direct with air freight delivery worldwide, our company provides best quality fresh products with affordable price policy. Browse our catalogs and contact us for a price quote including delivery to your destination.

We are an experienced exporter and supplier of fresh herbs worldwide. Contact us for a price quote for a fresh herbs and salads we will replay with best price available in your region including direct air transport delivery, yet providing best quality fresh agriculture produce. Great prices, no agents, top quality agricultural produce supplies from Israel all year long.

23 May, 2013

New website design for www.flora-sg.com

New company website is on a way

We have started redesign of our company website. The new version will be more convenient for navigation, will include more information about fresh agricultural produce from Israel, true multi-language support for English, German, Italian, French, Russian, exciting design and images.
We hope you will enjoy the new redesigned layout.
The redesign is estimated to be complete within a week. Until then an old website version will be fully accessible from http://www.flora-sg.com/index_en.htm
Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD new website version   Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD new website design

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD new website preview   Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD new design sneak preview

06 May, 2013

Cherry tomatoes. Cherry tomato wholesale fresh vegetables Israel

Cherry tomato

Fresh cherry tomatoes

Top quality fresh vegetables directly from Israeli growers.
Worldwide delivery by air freight carriers directly to your airport.
Great seasonal availability and reliable partnership.

Best prices and quality you can get from Israeli suppliers and exporters.
Packed and transported in regulated temperature conditions. Guaranteed freshness and long shelf life for fresh vegetables.

Phytosanitary certificate control by Israel ministry of agriculture PPIS and complied with finest quality standards. All year supply small, medium, large wholesale vegetables from Israel.





Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD. offers top quality fresh vegetables from best of Israeli growers.

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD is an experienced exporter and supplier of vegetables worldwide. Contact us for a price quote for a vegetables and we will replay with best price available in your region including direct air transport delivery, yet providing best quality fresh agriculture produce. Complied with finest quality standard and dispatched quickly our vegetables have longer shelf life and will allow your customers enjoy their freshness, like they were just picked from the field. Buying form Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD, you are purchasing fresh vegetables directly from the famous Israeli growers. Great prices, no agents, top quality agricultural produce supplies from Israel all year long.

02 May, 2013

Parsley fresh herbs Israel catalog



Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD fresh herbs catalog

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD. offers top quality fresh herbs & salads from best of Israeli growers.

Parsley - fresh herbs from Israel wholesale supply


flat parsley

curly parsley

Parsley is widely used in Middle Eastern, European and American cooking. Curly leaf parsley is often used as a garnish. In central and eastern Europe and in western Asia, many dishes are served with fresh green chopped parsley sprinkled on top. Green parsley is often used as a garnish on potato dishes (boiled or mashed potatoes), on rice dishes (risotto or pilaf), on fish, fried chicken, lamb or goose, steaks, meat or vegetable stews (like beef bourguignon, goulash or chicken paprikash). In southern & central Europe parsley is part of bouquet garni, a bundle of fresh herbs used as an ingredient in stocks, soups, sauces. > more

*Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. See Terms of Use for details. Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization.

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD. offers top quality fresh herbs & salads from best of Israeli growers.

Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD is an experienced exporter and supplier of fresh herbs worldwide. Contact us for a price quote for a fresh herbs and we will replay with best price available in your region including direct air transport delivery, yet providing best quality fresh agriculture produce. Complied with finest quality standard and dispatched quickly our fresh herbs have longer shelf life and will allow your customers enjoy their freshness, like they were just picked from the field. Buying form Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD, you are purchasing fresh herbs directly from the famous Israeli growers. Great prices, no agents, top quality agricultural produce supplies from Israel all year long.